1st May

It’s been a while since last time I posted anything. Life has been hectic and now we are in the middle of crisis. When year 2020 started there were full of hopes and plans. 

Suddenly, literally in one night, everything changed. Schools and borders were closed down, sanitaries were bought out and people began to fear others, especially strangers, who came across the streets.

The last time when world faced such a pandemia, happened 100 years ago. During this time we have made sacrifices: self/social isolating, giving up our normal habits, avoid contacting love ones specially elderly people, lonely people gets more lonely and the list goes on.

During this uncertainty time it’s really hard to see the light in the end of the tunnel. To reach that, we have to keep on holding hope . Hope is positive expectation in dark times. It removes fear and hopeless thoughts away. It clears our mind so we could see the bigger picture. What comes to changes it creates opportunities.

We have to admit that at least now we see what is important to us. We’ll create more meaningful values. The closest people, we keep them even more close. Moreover, we start to appreciate what we already have.

Even though we need to adapt to this new situation with new regulations almost everyday for a long time, together we will overcome this battle against Corona virus. 


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